Website Questionnaire

    Tell us a bit about your company

    I want this site because:

    I need to build awareness for my brand
    I need to offer a contact point for my clients
    I need my company to have a better image online
    I need to sell my product/service through my site
    I need to use it to build customer loyalty
    I need to reach people in many languages
    I need somewhere to promote my latest product/service

    My site will be built to target:

    Kids & teens
    In their 20s
    In their 30s
    In their 40s
    In their 50s
    Senior citizens

    My clients come to me because:

    I offer excellent service
    I have the best products on the market
    I have the best prices on the market

    What features will your website need to include?

    An HTML5/ CSS3 website
    Mobile-Ready Version
    Online ordering / eCommerce
    Newsletter system
    Intranet system
    Customer login
    Video streaming
    CMS - Content Management System
    Online forum/ blog
    Social network integration
    A redesign of a current website
    Uploads/ downloads

    Who will provide content for the new website?


    Do you need a new URL?


    Do you need hosting?


    Will the old site be moved to a new location?


    What is the deadline for the website?

    What is the budget for the website?

    Would you like us to handle content marketing (SEO)?


    Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?